School Tours for September 2025 entry - 13th January 10:30am - alternative dates may be possible, please contact the office 0117 9030070

SS Peter and Paul Primary School


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

​The staff and governors of SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School are committed to ensuring that every child makes progress and develops their full potential emotionally, socially and academically.  Children make progress at different rates and it is important that children are supported when they need extra help. In some cases there are specific reasons for learning difficulties  and in these cases a child maybe identified as having Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND).
A pupil is identified as having SEND if they have special educational needs or a disability that makes it significantly more difficult for them to learn and make progress than their age-related peers. SEND is categorised into the six main areas below: 

  1. Learning difficulties – in acquiring basic skills in school. 
  2. Social, emotional or mental health difficulties – such as making friends, relating to others or behaving appropriately in school. 
  3. Specific learning difficulty – in reading, writing, maths or understanding and processing information. 
  4. Sensory or physical needs – such as hearing or visual impairments, or physical difficulties that may affect the child’s ability to learn in school. 
  5. Speech, language and communication difficulties – in expressing themselves or understanding others. 
  6. Medical or health conditions – which may impact on a child’s ability to make progress and/or involve treatment that affects their education. 

Useful contacts
If you have a concern about your child's progress you can contact their teacher or the SENDCo (Holly Walker) through the school office.


You will find Bristol’s Local Offer at

The following outside agencies can also provide support for parents with children with SEND:

Supportive Parents

0117 989 7725 /
Information Advice and Support line open 10am -2pm
Monday, Wednesday & Friday (term time)

KIDS Independent Supporters
0117 947 6111 /
Information and Support line open 9am—5pm, Monday- Friday
(Support with EHCP)

Bristol Parent Carers
0117 939 6645 /
Open Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays

Bristol's Written Statement of Action April 2020

Please find below Bristol’s Written Statement of Action (WSOA), and the Ofsted/CQC approval letter, published recently.

The Written Statement of Action is Bristol City Council’s response to the Ofsted/Care Quality Commission (CQC) Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) inspection which took place in our local area at the end of last year. It is a transparent, formal framework for improving SEND provision which has been developed with a number of partners and incorporates the views of parents and carers.

Ofsted require that the Written Statement of Action must be published on local websites, so that parents, carers, children and young people can understand the actions we are taking to improve the effectiveness of the local area in identifying and meeting needs, and improving outcomes for children and young people who have SEND.
