School Tours for September 2025 entry - 13th January 10:30am - alternative dates may be possible, please contact the office 0117 9030070

SS Peter and Paul Primary School


Computing Intent


Computing is a fundamental skill and our aim is to prepare our pupils as citizens of the future. Our curriculum is designed to develop computational thinking skills and creativity to prepare them for life in an ever-changing digital world. Children will develop an understanding of technology within their lives and the benefits technology brings.


The National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2 is divided into four areas: Information Technology, Digital Literacy, Computer Science - Theory and Computer Science - Programming. The skills for each area have been allocated to each year group to ensure progression across the school.


All classes have access to iPads and chrome books, using these for discrete computing lessons and to develop transferable skills across the curriculum.


Online safety


Online safety is taught throughout the year across all year groups. We take part in Safer Internet Day each February. Throughout their time at SSPP, children will gain a deeper understanding of online risks and how to effectively avoid and deal with problems.
