Please find the data for 2023-2024 for our school below. The link below will take you to the last published data.
​Foundation Stage 2023-24
72% of our children made a Good Level of Development
KS1 - 2023-24
85% of Year 1 reached or exceeded the expected level in the phonics screening test
At the end of KS1 the following results were obtained:
Reading 75% met or exceeded expected level
Writing 63% met or exceed expected level
Maths 64% met or exceed expected level
Science 85% met or exceeded expected level
KS2- 2023-24
At the end of KS2 the following results were achieved. For reading, writing, punctuation and grammar and mathematics the national figure is also given.
% of Pupils meeting required standard in school 95% Exceeding 48%
% of Pupils meeting required standard nationally 74%
Grammar and Punctuation
% of Pupils meeting required standard in school 95% exceeding 48%
% of Pupils meeting required standard nationally 72%
% of Pupils meeting required standard in school 90% exceeding 29%
% of Pupils meeting required standard nationally 72%
% of Pupils meeting required standard in school 91% exceeding 38%
% of Pupils meeting required standard nationally 73%
Combined English and Maths
% of Pupils meeting required standard in school 86% exceeding 24%
% of Pupils meeting required standard nationally 61%