RE Curriculum Intent
At SS Peter and Paul Primary School we recognise that every child is unique and special in the likeness and image of God. Ten percent of curriculum time is spent teaching RE. The Religious Education within the school promotes awe, wonder, reverence and spirituality within every child. As children are taught about God’s love they discover their Christian responsibilities and how they should pray and care for others. Through the relationship the school has with the parishes of Clifton Cathedral, St Mary on the Quay, St James’ Priory and St Joseph’s Home the children have experiences of the church, Catholic traditions and how to live out the Beatitudes. Children learn about other faiths to increase their knowledge, respect and understanding of everyone in our society. We aspire for our children to not want more from the world they live in but to be more in the world they live in.
Children follow the RE curriculum provided by Clifton Diocese based on the new Religious Education Directory 'To Know You More Clearly'. Year 5 and 6 will be transitioning to this new curriculum in September 2025.
The new curriculum includes the topics Creation and Covenant, Prophecy and Promise, Galilee to Jerusalem, Desert to Garden, to the Ends of the Earth and Dialogue and Encounter. Other faiths are taught at certain times of the year.
The Children are encouraged to develop RE Skills throughout the school curriculum this includes:
• Reflecting on feelings, relationships, big questions, beliefs and practices
• Considering the thoughts, feelings, experiences, attitudes, beliefs and values of others
• Developing the ability to identify feelings such as love, wonder, forgiveness and sorrow
• Seeing the world through the eyes of others, and seeing issues from their point of view
• Asking relevant questions
• Knowing how to gather information from a variety of sources
• Drawing meaning from artefacts, works of art, music
• Suggesting meanings of religious texts
• Debating issues of religious significance with reference to evidence
• Distinguishing between opinion and fact
• Distinguishing between different sources
• Linking significant features of religion together in a coherent pattern
• Connecting different aspects of life into a meaningful whole
• Explaining concepts, rituals and practices
• Expressing religious views, and responding to religious questions through a variety of media