School Tours for September 2025 entry - 13th January 10:30am - alternative dates may be possible, please contact the office 0117 9030070

SS Peter and Paul Primary School


At SS Peter & Paul  we consider Music a universal form of communication, one through which children of all ages can be encouraged to express their ideas and feelings.

 The weekly lessons provide the children with a wealth of musical experiences and opportunities to develop their skills and understanding of how music is made. The content of the music curriculum includes using sounds and music to make responses, singing in parts as well as unison, playing a whole array of percussion and other instruments; composition and music appreciation. There is also a programme of music appreciation so that children learn about composers and their works.

In Key stage 1 & 2 children may choose to learn an instrument.  We offer the following choices: keyboard, piano, cello, ukulele, guitar and cello.


All children in Year 5 learn a musical instrument and this year they are learning ukulele.

Music plays a major part in school through assemblies, Masses and performances and children have many opportunities to participate by singing or playing their instrument. 

We enjoy opportunities to sing together in class, at assemblies and in Church. KS1 and KS2 have singing practice. Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and  6 are invited to join the popular school choir (run by Miss Bryant) which meets weekly at lunchtimes on Tuesdays or Thursdays. 


The school has membership of the Bristol Music Trust and the children have the opportunity to attend various musical events that the trust arrange. In addition, the children will have the opportunity to attend various music events at different venues throughout the year. 
