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SS Peter and Paul Primary School

Pupil Representatives

Year 6 Chaplains

All  pupils at SS Peter and Paul are a member of a house. The houses are: St George's, St David's, St Andrew's and St Patrick's. Years 2 to 5 elect one member of their class from each house to represent their house on the student council. In addition Year 6 have three House Captains for each house who undertake the role of chaplaincy through the school and work with their house representatives to ensure the pupil voice is heard. 

During their first meeting the priorities for the first couple of terms were established:

• Improve our school environment by regular litter picking around the grounds

• Educate the children about respecting our environment with posters and plant more vegetable gardens

• Investigate alternative sources of energy – wind turbine or solar panels

• Investigate having a living roof on the music room

• Apply for a grant from the National Lottery to buy some water butts and raised beds for the courtyard

• Re-design the KS2 Adventure Playground and ask for PTFA funding

The children will share their priorities with their classes and take feedback to bring to the next meeting.
