School Tours for September 2025 entry - 7th Nov 2pm, 12th Nov 2pm, 14th Nov 2pm, 19th Nov 10am, 21st Nov 2pm, 10th Dec 10am

SS Peter and Paul Primary School

School Chaplains



The Chaplaincy team is made up from House Chaplains from Year 6 and representatives from each house in Years 2 to 5.  


The House Chaplains  help the younger children to learn about prayer life and how to look after and respect others by following the Gospel values.  


They lead by example looking after our school environment by litter picking and planting vegetables and flowers around the school grounds. 


The Chaplains have been busy leading collective worship activities throughout the school.  During October, the month of the Rosary, the House Chaplains led prayer, teaching the younger children to say a decade of the Rosary during their lunchtime Rosary Club.  

During Advent the chaplains organised prayer bags so the families could prepare together using the shared resources. 


